Coffee Social | Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, & Entrepreneurship

Why is Live Streaming So Popular? The Power of Engagement | Ep. 18

Jonathan Howard and Mimi Langley Season 1 Episode 18

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It feels like lately everyone has been taking advantage of live streaming on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn… You name the platform and they’re live streaming on it. What’s the big deal about creating a live experience anyway? In this episode of Coffee Social, Signature Style & Storytelling Coach Jonathan Howard & Social Audio Marketing Coach Mimi Langley dive into the power and importance of connecting with your audience in a real and unfiltered way by going live! It can bring on major growth and help build that like, know, and trust even more! They cover preparing for a live, how to repurpose a live, and so much more! Grab a cup and enjoy!

: Mimi opens up about her love for the WWE because of the live experiences.
: You’re creating an extra special experience!
: There’s no editing so it’s real & raw material.
: Preparing for a live helps a lot. Don’t worry, we give tips.
: Lives are great for repurposing! It’s a win win!

Give the podcast 5 STARS & write an awesome review! It helps your hosts so much! 
PS: Mimi loves stars

Instagram: @coffeesocialpodcast
Jonathan: @jonathanrhoward
Mimi: @mimilangley_

YouTube: @coffeesocialpodcast

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS RESOURCES (our sponsors for today)

Signature Membership (Instagram, Storytelling, Signature Style) 

LinkedIn Audio Like a Pro Training (instant access)

Signature Style Playbook (examples of ways to make you standout in your social media & business)

Coworking + Brainstorming Community for Aspiring & New Female Entrepreneurs (join the waitlist)

*  Podcast Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. We may earn a commission from the links listed in this description.

social media marketing tips, connection, collaboration, repurposing, preparation, engagement, growth, on camera, live streaming for beginners, where to live stream, streamyard, reshare

Speaker 1:

Because before I went live, I wasn't able to grow my business. People didn't know who I was, they didn't connect with me, so it was a lost opportunity without the lives. It's Coffee Social, the podcast, all about social media and business. And now here are your hosts, Jonathan Howard and Mimi Langley. Hey everyone. Hi, Jonathan Howard. Hello Mimi Langley. How are everyone? Hi, Jonathan Howard. Hello Mimi Langley, how are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm feeling really good. Was I on point there? Or if you were an American Idol judge, would you not pass me over to the Hollywood Week?

Speaker 1:

If I was an American Idol judge, nobody would make it to the Hollywood Week. So yeah, there's that. There's that, there's that. How's everybody doing?

Speaker 2:

I am so stinking excited for this episode because I love going live and I love going live on Instagram, so I think it's going to be a powerful episode. If you have not, you know, leverage this, you're going to want to stick around. But before we do, cheers everyone, grab your coffee, grab your coffee, grab our coffee. Cheers, cheers, jonathan, oh that looks really dark.

Speaker 1:

It's not. I mean, it's a little dark for me.

Speaker 2:

You know, mine actually looks like yours. Look at the camera. Oh, can you see before? I don't want to spill it.

Speaker 1:

Don't spill it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but my husband. He was listening to a podcast and they were talking about like mushroom cream. I don't even know. So, anyways, I have like mushrooms in my coffee. It's supposed to help.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Real quick, though I wanted to say something. It actually aligns with going live, and you might not be down with this, but at the time of us recording this, you guys, first of all, we're recording this on total eclipse day, and last night was At the time of us recording this. You guys, first of all, we're recording this on.

Speaker 1:

Total Eclipse Day. Total Eclipse Day.

Speaker 2:

And last night was Turn around. I was turning around. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I saw you turn. Yeah, that was very good. By the way, ten stars. No, last night was WrestleMania. You know about WrestleMania Like wrestling, like the Rock.

Speaker 2:

Where, like grown adults, run out on stage in their underwear and pretend they're beating each other up listen, yes, but it's entertainment and it's like it's something I maybe you don't know this about me, jonathan. I don't think you do, but I was very into wrestling when I was younger. Like we're talking like 2000, like 1999, like the good wrestling, like stone cold and the rock and anywho, last night was so good and it made me think about the power of live entertainment, the power of going live and like giving your audience something extra special. So that's why I brought it up, because it was so good, you guys but it's not really live.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty much filmed. It's fake, but you know it's fake right, it's live.

Speaker 2:

Like someone. If they break their bone, it's not like there is no editing. Like it's live, right, it's live. If they break their bone, there is no editing. When it's live, it's live.

Speaker 1:

You can watch it later. It could be a fake broken bone.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, you can fake anything, even if you're on Instagram live, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I've seen people do it.

Speaker 2:

We'll talk about that, but real quick, you want to go ahead and introduce yourself before we dive in? Oh, there.

Speaker 1:

But real quick, you want to go ahead and introduce yourself before we dive in. There's that? Yeah, my name is Jonathan Howard. I'm the owner of Success on Social and I help successful female coaches reach their ideal clients on social media by telling their story, reaching their tribe and changing the world All those fun things. I will never get my introduction right ever, and that's okay.

Speaker 2:

You are a professional, you just keep it rolling. That's all we want for people, that's it.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

Hey everyone, I'm Mimi Langley. I teach women in business how to host rooms, how to moderate on social audio. That includes LinkedIn audio and Clubhouse. It's a great way to gain visibility, make sales.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to make you mess up on yours, okay, first of all.

Speaker 2:

You can't do that to Beyonce.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But okay, so let's talk about this Real quick. If you're here for, kind of like, confidence tips on camera, we have a whole episode dedicated to being confident on camera, so we encourage you. We'll put the link specifically for that episode in the show notes below, but just so you know. Okay, let's talk about this. Jonathan, why go live? Like, what are the benefits? Specifically Instagram Live, because that's what we're talking about today, but no one really talks about live going live on Instagram. Like what do you say?

Speaker 1:

So, you know, live has not been a key aspect of what you've been doing on Instagram for a little bit, but it's still a really powerful way for you to connect with your audience. Your audience wants to see the real person. They want to see who you are, what you do, you know why it matters to them. All of those things are really key for them, and they can see that much easier when you're there live, when it's not a filtered post, when it's not something that you were able to edit and make the way that you exactly want it. If you can show up, live and be yourself, that's a huge win and that is something that I credit towards me being able to grow my business, because before I went live, I wasn't able to grow my business. People didn't know who I was, they didn't connect with me, so it was a lost opportunity without the lives.

Speaker 2:

I will say I agree with you. I feel like, yeah, sure, you're connecting with them through your reels and your carousels and all that and your stories. But there's something again when the other person on the other end knows wow, mimi is actually sitting there right now at 12 o'clock talking to me live. It's just something extra special and you can communicate back and forth really relatively easily, depending on how large your live is.

Speaker 2:

But you can communicate back and forth really, you know, relatively easily, you know, depending on how large your live is, but you can connect with your listeners and your audience and you know answer questions and it's just a lot of fun. I was going to say, oh my gosh, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, you mentioned about, like for me going live, it's like I don't have to, you're not editing. You know what I mean. It's like, you know, when we do a reel, it's like sometimes we'll have, like you know, four takes of what we're trying to say, but when you're alive, it's just like it comes out and it's almost like it's supposed to come out the way it's supposed to come out.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and if you flub it up, you flub it up and guess, had to say this you know, and that's okay. People expect that on a live because you're live and it's real, and that you know again goes back to the power of going on live videos and actually showing up. And another great thing about it is you can collaborate on live videos with people on Instagram. So Mimi and I just went live for the podcast and we were on the same live. So if Mimi was terrified of going live, she at least had somebody to back her up, so you could do that as well yeah, and you know it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

It's not a lot of bells and whistles involved. Do you know what I mean? Because you can collaborate on reels and things like that. But I mean it's just like just go just press a button and boom, press another button and boom, we're together. Button and boom, we're together on the screen right, we're live Yep Up to four people.

Speaker 1:

That's four.

Speaker 2:

I like it when it's four because Instagram makes you look smaller on the screen when there's Okay. Let's kick it off before we dive into all the good goods. Okay, let's talk a little bit about preparation. I'm always curious what you do to prepare for a live. I have a few things here, but I'll throw it to you first.

Speaker 1:

Outline Make sure I have. If I need a link and usually I try to run through it at least once. And if I can't run through the entire thing, at least once, I run through my intro, just so I feel comfortable at the beginning of the live and I'm ready to go. And then the only other thing is, if I'm feeling really uncomfortable, I put on some music that I really like, I dance around for five minutes and I get all that extra energy out of me and then I sit down and do the live. That's all I need.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so just real quick. For music. Is it pink, because you love pink.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's pink, Sometimes it's Sia, Sometimes I mean sometimes it's Billy Joel.

Speaker 2:

You want to do a little bit of Simon. Well, you want to do a little bit of an impromptu dance right now. No, no, sorry okay, um, I got shut down.

Speaker 2:

You guys remember, rejection is God's protection, okay for everybody watching on YouTube so okay for me when it comes to preparing one of the big ones, because I'm thinking, you know, I'm coming from the world of social audio, which is that's live period. You know, obviously you don't see our face but you're speaking live. So I'm always like, make sure you have a good connection, because there's nothing worse than just being, you know, pausing and people are like what's happening, they think it's their app doing it and they leave, and chances of them coming back, you know. So check your connection for sure, if you're able to. I mean, I know we can't control our Wi-Fi and all that. But and the other one would be, you mentioned a link. Have a link ready to go, like. I am ready to go, Like. I will have that link in the notes section on my phone and I'll be. I already have it copied and ready to be pasted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you can also do. Now. Manychat has an automation for lives that you can have people drop a keyword when you're on live and it will send them the link that you want, so they don't have to remember or click the link or anything like that in the training that I gave you inside the membership Mimi.

Speaker 2:

Well, we'll talk about your membership. It's linked below, by the way. You guys have to get. That's a beautiful add-on, wow, okay. So for anyone who's not using ManyChat, at least be ready to go, because when you're live, you want to focus in on your message, right? You are basically broadcasting to people and people. You don't want to lose them if you're just trying to do a lot of housekeeping. So have your links ready to go. What about this one, jonathan? Real quick, before we move forward. What about your goal? Do you ever have a goal when you're going live?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I always try to have a goal with any type of content that I put out. Now the goal when going live may be to record a piece of content for another piece of content. So I may just be going on to record something so that I can use it in another piece of content. That might be my goal, or I might want to get five people signed up for my program. It really depends. But I always recommend that you have a goal for each piece of content because then you can measure if your time is worth it. If you say I want to go live and I'm going to go live for 15 minutes and I want five people to sign up for my program and you spent that 15 minutes prepping and the 15 minutes on and you get nobody, maybe it's not worth the time that you're spending on it. So there might be other ways that are getting you better ROI and you can use those ways.

Speaker 2:

So okay, I love that. I mean, it's true, I love that. And last thing I'll say and you tell me last thing for preparation make sure, if you are going to use this live later, make sure you are able to archive it. Can you just like tell people about this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you just want to make sure that you have your archives turned on, your live archive turned on, because you're going to when you get to the end of the live, you're going to click delete and you're going to be like, okay, I hope that doesn't go anywhere. And it won't if you have your live archive turned on. So you just go into your archives, you search for the live one. You make sure that you've got things saving there. If not, you can go into your settings and set live archiving on and that will save your archive for 30 days. So you can use that video for 30 days.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so paranoid about it because there's sometimes when I, when I've gone live and it's so good and it doesn't save because I didn't have it on. So that's why I'm throwing this psa out to you guys. Um, and also real quick. Do you recommend people post it to their feed? I don't know if you want to jump into that right now, but it could be a quick answer.

Speaker 1:

So the quick answer is no, because it goes in with all the other reels and the thing is, if it's a long live, like a 30 minute live, nobody's going to watch it. When they come across it in the reels, that's immediately going to go scroll past it.

Speaker 1:

So what I recommend people do when they're using it on Instagram especially, grab a piece of it that's really powerful, really useful, might help your audience and put that in as a reel and that is kind of the piece that you use and I think you saw one that I did Mimi from the class that I taught last Wednesday and I was talking about take three and I created that as a reel from the clip, from the much larger clip that I had, and then use that and I mean it got 2000 views. So, hey, winning.

Speaker 2:

That is winning, hashtag winning. Well, that was Charlie Sheen, right, charlie Sheen said winning. Remember that I think so.

Speaker 2:

Okay, anyway, back in the day, let's jump into some tips. Tips when it comes to going live on camera. Like, I'm just going to throw out one, and that is familiarize yourself with what you're working with. You know, I always talk about that if you're using LinkedIn audio, if you're using Clubhouse, really, it applies to anywhere you want to show up, especially if you're showing up live. Right, because you're live, and so I would say you can even do I don't know if you recommend this, jonathan, but I don't think it hurts anything. Can you do a test run? Can you do a test live?

Speaker 1:

You can do a test live and you can do a test live on Instagram really easily. What you do is you go into your plus, you're going to hit the live and then you have the option to share with everybody, which is a public live Practice, which is a practice live. So you don't have to go live, It'll just show up to you and anybody you share the link with. And then you can also do one with your subscribers, if you've got subscribers set up.

Speaker 2:

Wow, okay, guys, I don't know if you knew that. I did not know that there was a practice live round, so it's literally every single thing is there that would be there if it was a real live.

Speaker 1:

Yep single thing is there that would be there if it was a real live Yep. It also tells you how many of your followers are actively online at the time that you want to go live. So right now, if I went live, there'd be 645 active followers on. So I don't know where that fits normally for me, but I could track that and see where it falls at different times of the day.

Speaker 2:

That's so smart Pay attention to that data, even if it's like usually they don't put the data like that, like boom right there. But I love that feature and I feel like that's new. But anyways, you said that's been around for a while. It's been around forever.

Speaker 1:

but it might be new to your account, so you never know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, some more tips. I have one here. Honestly, the point for me when I go live obviously it's to show some more tips. I have one here Honestly, the point for me when I go live obviously is to show up in a different way. You know, grab maybe same people or new people, but I really love just kind of making it extra special and shouting people out that are in my community that I normally wouldn't, you know, shout out. So like, yeah, I like utilizing comments, the comment section, again familiarizing yourself with what you have to work with. But the comments section, I'm in there all day long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and the other thing that Mimi learned that she needed to do is wave to people the other day. Yes, and you can wave to anybody on the live. All you have to do is you tap the title of your live right up at the top and it'll drop down who's on the live at that moment and anybody that you haven't waved to, you can just tap wave and it waves to them, and that's a great way to greet them into the live without breaking the flow of what you're saying. So it's always nice to wave people. You can also invite people into your live by sending it out using the airplane, just like we send any other posts out on Instagram. So there's lots of different things that you can do to get people into your life.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I love that. Okay, let's talk about that, because we are talking about tips. So, let's talk about strategy. So how do you like? One of them was see how many people are currently active. I think that's a great idea, just to look at that number in the first place.

Speaker 1:

But how?

Speaker 2:

else would you kind of attract people?

Speaker 1:

We kind of teased this tip earlier, but doing collaborations on lives, so getting three people that are standard on the live and then rotating a fourth person out, because every time somebody new joins a live, instagram sends out a new notification.

Speaker 1:

So if you have somebody joining new for a 10-minute segment and you're doing a 40-minute live, you're going to be able to get new people in every 10 minutes and that's a win because it's going to send a notification that Mimi's going live with Jonathan, then Mimi's going live with Lalo, then Mimi's going live with Rima, and it's going to send those out and people are going to be like, oh, mimi's going live, so let's go see what Mimi's got going on. So that's a great tip rotating that fourth seed out. Another thing you can do honestly plan it, talk about it right. You can schedule your live in instagram and it'll show up on right below your profile. Schedule it and it shows up. That's a great way to get people there. You can also, once you schedule it, use a sticker in your stories to promote it my gosh, those are like the big three that's huge.

Speaker 2:

I'm good at this you are really good at this is. This is why I'm part of your membership. Come on, where would I be without you? I'm really trying to dive back into doing more lives, because I see that they're. Why not? That's my thing, why not? It's great. It's great because we're going to talk about repurposing. Right after the commercial break right yes, Jonathan, we have to jump into the commercial break. I was trying to build suspense.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're building suspense. Sorry, I'm trying to stand back here. I will stand back here.

Speaker 2:

We're going to talk about repurposing. This is one of the biggest reasons why-. Repurposing, Mimi, it's not even just about going live, but what you can do with it afterwards. So don't worry so much about the actual live attendance, right? What can we do with it afterwards, the piece of content? So let's jump into our commercial break.

Speaker 1:

I mean this is what keeps the lights on, so we'd love to roll it. All right, roll it.

Speaker 2:

Is social media starting to feel like crickets for you lately? No engagement, no likes. Hello, does anyone see this? Is anyone out there? What if I told you that social audio, aka audio marketing, could be the game changer that your business needs? Hi, it's Mimi Langley here and I teach all about social audio, and right now I have a brand new training all about LinkedIn audio. Yes, linkedin has social audio. Learn how LinkedIn audio operates and the strategies you'll need to gain visibility, make sales and grow your email list in under 60 minutes. Check the description for a link. Welcome back everybody. I hope you guys enjoyed. Actually, we got a comment. Where are you, jonathan? I'm over here. We got a comment from somebody who said that they love our commercial breaks. They find it just so entertaining.

Speaker 1:

We got to come up with new commercials. Then We've been running the same one for a little bit.

Speaker 2:

They've enjoyed them. Anyways, the links are in the show notes below, if you're interested. Okay, let's jump into. We're going to talk about to wrap this episode up. We're going to talk about repurposing your live, and so, Jonathan, I would love for you to take it away. Like what the heck can I?

Speaker 1:

do when I'm done with my live. You could just save it in your live archive and never touch it, which is probably not the best use of your time. You could download it from your live archive and find the best maybe three clips from it and use those clips as reels later on. You could download the entire thing, obviously, and then put it into something like Otterai, get a transcript for it and use that transcript as the basis for a new blog. You could use it in a carousel. You could use it in your stories to promote something. You can use Alive for pretty much anything that you use video for. You can find the parts that are useful. You can find the things that you need, the things that are like, oh my God, that's such an aha moment, and use that. You can also take the lives and take your tips that you really use and use them as an outline for a clubhouse room.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I mean seriously. Though I'm looking at our notes, I'm like do I have anything to add? Hold on, hold on Nope.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I was doing clubhouse rooms, every day I would have a carousel, I'd have a single post, I'd have a my outline for the room and then I'd have reels that would build off of that later on. So I had many times six or seven pieces of content from one room, and a live is the same thing. This is so good.

Speaker 2:

And, by the way, when you say download, does it work? The same as if I was downloading my Instagram stories, like it saves right on the photos on my phone. And you said that I only have access to it for 30 days.

Speaker 1:

Well, you can download it for 30 days. Once it's not in there, you can't download it anymore. But if you've downloaded it, it's there. You've got it. You're good to go.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's a good tip too, just because a lot of us can be slow, like we know what we want to do but like we're just slow at doing that, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

I don't, we don't want you to miss the boat, oh my gosh. Okay, we're going to wrap up this episode because, honestly, that was it. You hit every nail on the dot when it comes to repurposing, like what you can do, and I love when you talk about transcribing, like that was a whole nother level, right, you could inside of an email if you wanted to you guys.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there's so many ways you can repurpose a live now that you know. And just in case you didn't know, now you know. But, jonathan, real quick, as we wrap up, I would love for you to tell us one horror story of being on Instagram Live. Yes, I'm putting you on the spot. Like. Is there anything?

Speaker 1:

that you're just like-. Does it have to be my story or does it have to be Becky's story? Because Does it have to be my story or does it have to be Becky's?

Speaker 2:

story Because Becky has a really good one. Do you remember Becky? I remember Becky. Yes, whichever one you yeah.

Speaker 1:

When you add most people don't know how to end a live. So when you get to the end of a live, most people especially if it's their first one they're looking around the screen. They're going I don't, how do I? And they can't find it. And the way that you end a live is by tapping the X in the top corner, and it's that simple. It'll ask you if you want to end the live. You say yes and it ends the live. But most people don't know how to do it. So they're searching at their and I can't show you guys, obviously, that are listening, but they're searching on their phone so close that they can't see it and all people see is their eyebrows. It's really it. It's hilarious, but it happens to everybody.

Speaker 2:

That's a moment, though, too, like you know what I mean. Like it's like a. It could all but also be used to your advantage, because it just makes you like even more relatable in some ways. You know what I'm saying like not always, but like I I think it's funny. But yes, I know, if you're on a call with like tony robbins or like oprah or something you're not going to want to be like, hold on Oprah, I'm going to find the X button.

Speaker 2:

And for you, jonathan. I mean, you're an Instagram strategist, so it's like you have to know where that X button is. Like there's no excuses.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

You know what's so funny, though, real quick, just cause I used to do like. I used to intern for, like a TV news station. I wanted to be, like you know, your news reporter, but for entertainment. But you know, I was in the local news department, um, for my city anyways. Something they always taught us when we were live on camera was like literally just smile until like you're right, like until we know for sure it's done. So, like when I ended, when I ended the live earlier today, I was like this, just because it's like if you're gonna catch, I'm going to be smiling and pretending everything's working.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, yeah, that's not what Becky did in that reel. Becky cursed at the screen in that reel.

Speaker 2:

You're not off air until you're off the app period, like you guys, be careful. Okay, we'll go ahead. This was so fun. I really, really love this and I hope this we hope this encouraged you to give Instagram Lives a try, if you haven't already. Jonathan, do you want to go ahead and tell people where they can find us?

Speaker 1:

I would love to tell people where they can find us. They can find us on any podcasting platform. We are officially everywhere. So anywhere you listen to podcasts, you can find us. And we would love it absolutely love it if you would give us a review after you listen to a couple podcasts and you love us. Because you will, we're lovable. So, after you listen to a few podcasts, if you love us, write a review. Let us know what you think, let us know what you'd love to hear. But you can do that right on Apple Podcasts and it's a great way to just let us know that we're doing okay for you. Or you want to hear us do something different. You can also listen to us on YouTube. We have an Instagram channel and Mimi just opened the OnlyFans for the podcast. Back to you, mimi.

Speaker 2:

What are we going to do on?

Speaker 1:

OnlyFans. I don't know we can show our nail beds.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, that's an inside joke. If you've been a listener for a while, you know what we're talking about. Okay, you guys, we're going to go ahead and end it with the most important question of them all, and that is I mean really it's not hard to think about Are you team Mimi, or?

Speaker 1:

Why would you be team Mimi? You should be team Jonathan, because I'm Beyonce.

Speaker 2:

Are you Beyonce or are you not Beyonce? If you're Beyonce, team Mimi.

Speaker 1:

Not Beyonce.

Speaker 2:

So you're Kelly On that note. Thank you everyone for listening in. We appreciate you. Bye everybody. Bye, jonathan Howard, bye Mimi Langley.

Speaker 1:

Bye, mimi Langley, bye, mimi Langley, bye. Couldn't get that out.

Speaker 2:

That's going to be a great ending.

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