Coffee Social | Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, & Entrepreneurship

5 Biz Tips You Can Learn from Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce | Ep. 08

February 08, 2024 Jonathan Howard and Mimi Langley Season 1 Episode 8

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Us Swifties are so happy that Taylor has finally found her prince charming, but listen, there’s more brewing here than just love. There’s relatability, strategy, connection, electricity… All of the essentials for achieving business success. In this episode of Coffee Social, Jonathan Howard and Mimi Langley break it down with red lipstick in hand. Red lipstick isn't just a fashion statement but a symbol of audacious branding.

Jonathan also opens our eyes to the world of news hacking in your content. And it’s gold! 

As the world speculates on Super Bowl proposals, Jonathan & Mimi are here showing you how to score touchdowns in the visibility game, ensuring your brand isn't just seen but remembered.

Show it off. We actually wanted to type Shake It Off in honor of Taylor, but ya know. Point being, tell people what you do, what you have to offer. Don’t leave them in the dark.
: Believe it with everything you’ve got! You have to be your biggest cheerleader.: Have fun! We don’t want you to burn out. Entrepreneurship is a marathon not a sprint.
: Build community & take them on on the journey with you. Listen in or watch the episode because we dive deep into this one.

Give the podcast 5 STARS & write an awesome review! It helps your hosts so much! 

PS: Mimi loves stars!

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Mimi: @mimilangley_

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(Doors Close March 5th)

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* Podcast Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast

business inspiration, celebrity synergy, marketing strategies, personal branding, entrepreneurial lessons, creative partnerships, success strategies, taylor swift, swifties, travis kelce, coffee social podcast, business mindset, confidence in business

Speaker 1:

But I was just thinking about like we are kind of on this journey with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey. Like you know, in the very beginning, like you were saying, it was more private and now they're kind of getting more comfortable with each other and now it's becoming more public and it's like I don't know, people are talking about and this may have already happened by the way by the time you're listening to this. Who knows? You know you could be listening to this like six months from now, but people are talking about during the Super Bowl, he's going to propose what do we think what?

Speaker 2:

I don't think. So I'm serious, I'm serious, mm-hmm. It's CorfySocial, the podcast, all about social media and business. And now here are your hosts, jonathan Howard and Mimi.

Speaker 1:

Langley, hi everyone.

Speaker 2:

Hi Jonathan Howard, Hello Mimi Langley.

Speaker 1:

Jonathan, do you feel that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Love is in the air.

Speaker 2:

everybody Love is in the air. It's not me, Not me.

Speaker 1:

I am so sneak and excited, as we know, with every episode I'm so excited, every episode you're excited. But this one, like, I even have my red lipstick on. I have my red blanket with me, like it's a Taylor Swift episode. Okay, and Travis Kelcey, it's a Taylor Swift episode.

Speaker 2:

It's a Taylor Swift episode, because I don't know much about football, so who's Travis? What?

Speaker 1:

Right, you guys, this is a bonus episode. This is something that we have never done before. Normally, we just kind of stick with what is up next, but since the Super Bowl is coming up or maybe it's past already no, it's coming up Well it might have been past when they're listening to this.

Speaker 1:

We're putting it out on Thursday. Anyways, go Chiefs. That's what I was gonna say, jonathan, go Chiefs. But we're really excited Because, well, we'll talk about it. But we're gonna be talking about Travis Kelcey and Taylor Swift today and I actually wanted to show you something real quick. What are you showing me? If you're watching on YouTube, you'll see this. What is that? That's them, oh, that's them at the yeah At the last.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, look at that love between two people.

Speaker 1:

Come on now. She's holding his face like. She's like do not let go, I'll never let you go. I'll never let you go.

Speaker 2:

Well, she could, talk it, turn into a psycho stalker like Adele, who knows?

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, we will not speak of Adele like that.

Speaker 2:

How many times did she call? And he never answered that's true, but at least you know she's persistent.

Speaker 1:

That's a great quality to have, jonathan. Before we dive into the episode yes, cheers, my friend, cheers to everyone listening and watching. Cheers, here we go. I have noticed that I never sip, so I'm going to sip real quick, you're going to sip for real.

Speaker 2:

You haven't even mentioned my, my, my walrus sweatshirt.

Speaker 1:

Is that from Rent the Runway? No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

It's not. I stood up and I don't know what's on it, but there's like all sorts of fuzz on it now.

Speaker 1:

Well, you have cute doggies. Yeah, it's dogs. That is the cutest sweatshirt ever.

Speaker 2:

I love it, my winter walrus yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

See, you have that for Taylor and Travis and I have my red blanket for Taylor and Travis. There we go, you guys, you're going to jump in.

Speaker 1:

We're going to jump in about it and talk about it. Yes, let's get right into it. So, basically, this episode is kind of what we've pulled from their relationship in regards to business since this you know podcast all about social media and business, and it's kind of like what we learned about business through Taylor and Travis. I know we have a lot of points to get through, jonathan, real quick. Why don't we do some introductions, just in case this is the first time someone's hearing us, yeah, probably useful.

Speaker 1:

Who are you? Who am I? Hey everyone, I'm Mimi Langley. I teach women in business how to host rooms, how to moderate on social audio, including LinkedIn audio and Clubhouse, to grow your business from the ground up. I've been doing that for Almost three years now. What about you, Jonathan?

Speaker 2:

So my name is Jonathan Howard. Um, you're going to ask me to do math. I have no idea. I think I've owned my business for seven years, but I'm the owner of success on social and I help. Um, oh, what do I do? I help successful female coaches reach their ideal clients on social media, tell their story and change the world.

Speaker 1:

You guys. We have introduced ourselves so many times. You would think it'd be like on autopilot by now. But hey, still forget, we're working with it.

Speaker 1:

Who am I? Um, okay, so let's talk about the first point that we have, and that is you need to show it off. So, jonathan, I was kind of I wrote this down because, like for me and what I've learned, especially when I do social audio, right, we're only speaking, I can't see my face, they can't see any visuals. It's literally me talking about what I do. Right, I need to consistently show up and talk about what I do, teach over and over and over again the same message and tell people what kind of service, what kind of digital download I have for them, what kind of lead magnet I have for them. I cannot leave them in the dark. So what do you think about showing? You need to show it off.

Speaker 2:

I want to know how you think Taylor and Travis showed it off, though. How did they show it off?

Speaker 1:

Oh, come on, Let me show you the picture again.

Speaker 2:

Look at that, but are you saying that's their business? They're showing it off as their business.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Okay Well. I'll give you that one. Listen, they could have done this behind the scenes. Okay, they could. Right, they could have.

Speaker 2:

And they're proud of being happily together. And yeah, I mean they've since this year they've taken their, their relationship out in public, because before it wasn't so yeah, okay, I'll give you that one. I'll give you that one.

Speaker 1:

Well, tell us, though, in relation to business, how important is it to show it off? Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

It's so important because every single time, people don't hear you the first time you say something. You know there's the rule of seven in marketing but really, as you have learned, as we've, as we've all learned on social media, it's more like a rule to 21. You've got to say things at least 20 times for people to actually hear it, and then only 10% of your audience sees each one of your posts. So when you look at that, it's like 200 times for people to get the information from you.

Speaker 1:

So repeating your message is super duper important, yeah, and you know what I've noticed, and I don't know if you have noticed this too when you, you know, teach successful female coaches about Instagram, and you know reels and short form video, but, like for me, when I'm teaching about social audio, and when you're hosting a live event, a social, you know, an audio only event, they will go an entire hour Giving away all the good stuff, right, like they are giving like mini masterclasses, one after the other, and then that's it. They're too afraid to tell people hey, if you've enjoyed this, I have this for you. Take this home with you, which could be like your lead magnet. Or maybe you're selling an ebook or something so like. Do not shy away from telling people what you have, right, and when it goes, comes back to Travis and Taylor.

Speaker 2:

Not only does she have her concert and her upcoming album coming out, but he has done wonders. Wonders for the NFL and their their viewing time. So you know something's working there.

Speaker 1:

I love that, jonathan. So the next point that we have written down here is you need to believe in it 1000%, Right? So like when you hear that I know I wrote down here, like, along your journey of being an entrepreneur, along your journey of being in business, you're going to get people that are going to doubt you. They're going to talk crap about you. You know what I mean. Like that you're going to have naysayers, but at the end of the day, you have to believe in what you're doing. 1000%, do you agree? Or?

Speaker 2:

disagree. I 100% agree with that because if, if, first of all, if Taylor and Travis didn't believe, then they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. First of all and second of all, you absolutely have to believe because you could be your biggest cheerleader or you could be your worst enemy, and we don't want to be our worst enemy. We need to be our biggest cheerleader because when we're putting that energy out into the world, that's where we see our success. So if Travis and Taylor didn't think they would be successful, they'd be putting negative energy out into the world and they wouldn't be successful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't even imagine, especially like a couple you know, as popular as they are, like how many people are like, how many hate, like people hate on them.

Speaker 2:

The hate she got for being on the NFL and raising their ratings like through the roof and getting women to watch football games.

Speaker 1:

I mean listen, but but if they let the heat, if they let the heat, if they let the hate come between them to, it would just crumble.

Speaker 2:

That's why you have to have a firm foundation.

Speaker 1:

That's why you have to keep on, keep your eye on the prize, keep, keep focused on your, why your mission, your values, like all of that is so important in business. So and be your biggest cheerleader?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, because if not, you're not going to see the success you want or have a Jonathan Howard in your life. That's right, which is a success you want, right.

Speaker 1:

I love it. This is something that you always bring up and I love this about you. And you always say especially like whenever I watch one of your reels like I feel like one of your main messages is make sure you're having fun, you need to have fun, you need to have fun.

Speaker 2:

And you know we'll talk about this in other episodes too, because we'll talk about it when we recap, like how we got to season 10, you know, episode 10 or whatever, like you have to have fun. If you're not enjoying it, it's going to like your audience is going to feel it First of all. Second of all, it's not going to be worthwhile If you're not having fun and the audience hates you and you've got the naysayers and you've got people saying it's never going to work and all that. What in the hell? Why are you doing it? It's not going to be any fun, it's not going to be enjoyable for you, you're just going to be miserable. And why would we put ourselves through miseries? If you're not having fun, don't do it. Period End of story.

Speaker 1:

I mean, don't get us wrong, there are going to be some points of business where you're like this is just not fun, you know, but for the majority of the time enjoy yourself, right. That's the part about being an entrepreneur. It's like you kind of have a little bit of freedom in how you enjoy yourself, right.

Speaker 2:

So Yep, and they look like they're having fun. They do, look, they do. You're going to show the picture again. Look again.

Speaker 1:

I would have printed two pictures, but my printer didn't want to work. So here we go. Shout out to HP oh my gosh, okay, we're hot messes over here. Okay, speak for yourself. I am not a hot mess.

Speaker 2:

I've just got a walrus on my sweatshirt.

Speaker 1:

Okay, jonathan, so we have two more points before we wrap up this episode, because I know we want to keep these short and digestible. The next point that we have on here from their relationship that's kind of opened our eyes and business is building a community. So do you want to touch upon that point?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think this is obviously much more important on Taylor's side than on Taylor's side, than with Travis. But she's had her community that have gone through the same relatable things with her since the beginning, from Kanye making fun of her which would be them getting made fun of in high school all the way to finding the man of you know, maybe the man of her dreams with this and being able to celebrate that openly and publicly it's. She's built that community from the inside. You know the insiders, including Mahon's wife, to like every single female that has grown up with her, and it builds a connection that is unbreakable when it comes to how she runs her business. If she didn't have that community, her business would not be what it is today. So, understanding how you can apply that those things, those key tenants of the community, to your business and build in that way, yeah, I love that and you know, I've been a Swiftie for well.

Speaker 1:

I never used to I can't remember when when they adopted that that fan name Swiftie. But I have been following Taylor for a very long time, especially when she first started in country music. I had her first album and it's almost like she's just like you're saying, like she's taken us on this journey with her and the fun thing is it's like she's an open book, like she literally pours, like her heart into all these songs she writes and I think that's what kind of makes her one really relatable to. It's like she's your best friend, even though she's a celebrity, a superstar. It's like you almost feel like you know her. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

It's like yeah, yeah well, and she does really really smart things when she does them, and they may not look smart on paper, but she will go to people's bridal showers when she gets invites. She will show up at people's birthday parties or call them on their birthday and you think that that's stupid way to spend her time. But it's not, because then everybody in her community thinks maybe she's the next, I'm the next one I'm going to send her. She's at builds community like crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would love. And I feel like you, you can Like it flows when you talk about community, jonathan. It just like flows so nicely out of your mouth. So I feel like we need a whole episode on community, because I'm here to learn too. Like I feel like I'm pretty good at building community. I just don't. It's hard for me to describe how I've been able to do it. So I think I think an episode for everyone who's kind of like how is it even possible? Am I actually doing it? I think that would be a good episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, put it on our list.

Speaker 1:

Add it to the list. All right, so well, here we go. This is the last point, and that is bring your audience on the journey with you. This is essential and we talked about that. You know um sharing relatable moments. We talk about storytelling. We have a whole episode on storytelling on the podcast. So when you hear that, Jonathan, bring your audience on the journey with you, what does that feel like for you and your business?

Speaker 2:

Show people the ups and downs. Show them the ups and downs, what it's like to go through what you're going through, and be open, honest and real. And I refuse I said in 2024, I refuse to use the word authentic. I'm using real because it's so important that we are who we are, that we're showing up in a way that people can relate to that we're being. You know, we're showing our feelings, we're showing the emotions, we're letting them in on the emotions that we're going through. All of that is truly key to being you know, to having a community, to bringing them on the journey, to being successful in life and business.

Speaker 1:

That's so good. I was just thinking about like we are kind of on this journey with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey. Like you know, in the very beginning, like you were saying, it was more private and now they're kind of getting more comfortable with each other and now it's becoming more public and it's like I don't know, people are talking about and this may have already happened by the way by the time you're listening to this. Who knows? You know you could be listening to this like six months from now, but people are talking about during the Super Bowl he's going to propose what do I think so, what I don't think.

Speaker 2:

so I think Taylor is going to be the one to propose.

Speaker 1:

Are you serious? You really think that I'm serious, I'm serious. Put a ring on it. Wait, hold on. I got to put on my putter because I have a ring, so shout out to my husband. It's his birthday month. I had to do it, jonathan. I had to give a shout out to my husband.

Speaker 2:

There's no birthday month. That's not a thing.

Speaker 1:

It is a whole thing. It's a whole thing. A birthday month, it's a whole thing. I'm a Gemini and we will celebrate my whole month. I'll remind you every day.

Speaker 2:

I'm a Scorpio. It's my birthday all year. Keep going.

Speaker 1:

I'm really happy that we did this. This is something that I don't know, we're kind of experimenting with. If you guys enjoyed this, we can definitely do more couples. We could do individual celebrities, but I think it's important to have fun with it but recognize important things that we can learn that we can apply to our business. Jonathan, I think it was a success. What do you think, Do you?

Speaker 2:

think it was a success. You didn't think I flubbed it all, messed it totally up.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, I know you're not really into celebrities and celebrity news, but this is part of pop culture, and pop culture can really teach us a lot about business believe it or not, I am all about news hacking when you can, because it's one of the greatest ways to get attention.

Speaker 2:

Is that what we call it, news hacking? Yeah, can you give us a post?

Speaker 1:

about news hacking the other day. Give us one example, just so we can wind it down with this. What's an example of news hacking Other than this episode?

Speaker 2:

All of this. Rihanna at the Super Bowl. Last year, when I did a post about Rihanna at the Super Bowl and people calling her, you know you proofread that post and I got so much shit for it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yep, but it was my best performing post last year on Instagram. That's news hacking when the Miley Cyrus album came out and people did. You know stories about that. That's news hacking, wait.

Speaker 1:

I can mama so fast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Was I on key? No, I can't hear Okay.

Speaker 1:

But I love that because that's just like a whole nother. You know, people don't even think about that, but now that you've put a title to it news hacking. You guys, what is relevant right now that people are talking about that, they're interested in learning about that you could attach it to your business in some way. I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, all right, should we do our ending? Yes, please, I try to tell people what they need to do. So for those of you who haven't already followed us I don't know what you're thinking but make sure you follow us on any of the platforms, wherever you listen to your podcast, and give us a rating on those on those podcast platforms. Mimi loves stars, so give her five stars. Let me put my hand right in there Five stars for Mimi. So whenever you give us a rating, she'd love to have five stars. We've gotten some amazing reviews already and we can't wait to hear from others. Follow us on Instagram, follow us on YouTube, all those things, and then Mimi over to you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, jonathan. All right, it's time for to ask the most important question. Okay, we need you guys to really think about this one and we need you to tell us what your answer is, and that is are you team, mimi, or?

Speaker 2:

team Jonathan, because why would you be team Mimi?

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm wearing red lipstick, thank you. Oh, by the way, red lipstick really makes your teeth look white. That's what I'll have to do, all right, bye, bye, jonathan Howard, bye, mimi Langley. That was so fake.

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